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Your Renovation Survival Guide

The unorthodox version.

Many will question your sanity when you tell them you're taking on a renovation. Some impressed. Others, not so much. Yet there are many of us who have been through it, are going through it, and are YET to go through it.

Opinions are usually unsolicited (lol - you know what I mean.. 'why are you doing that when you should be doing this', 'that's not going to work', 'you're going to regret that decision', you know the score). But where are the people who stand with you, and have an armful of knowledge, heads ups', and positive encouragement?

Well friends, I'm here. And I come with a BUCKET load of motivation, positivity, and my survival guides I've put together for you from a little further along the tunnel.

I'm not talking budget planners and spreadsheets here, I'm talking about the stuff that's going to help you remain sain throughout the process! I speak from experience. Some of these things I wish I had sooner, others I am so grateful I've had from the beginning.

You're probably looking at this thinking, what on earth do these have to to with renovations? Hold tight for a quick breakdown.

  1. Dust doors: because there will be dust, and you might end up with an inhaler like I did. Cheers dust + crap Covid immune system.

  2. A water filter system: because chances are your water situ isn't great and you're not going to be wanting that 'straight from the tap' stuff. We've used ours religiously, hard water is grosssss.

  3. Enormous oversized bottle: the water bottle I've actually used for 12 weeks. Straight from the filter into this bottle, and zero chance of a dusty drink..

  4. Extra long charger leads: I mean probably just a survival product for anyone living in 2023. I swear we lose chargers everywhere!? But, our 80s house has got switches and sockets in all the wrong places, + there's barely any of them. Now I can be a lazy woman in 2023 who can charge her phone on the other side of the room whilst sitting on the sofa..

  5. A decent hoodie: renovations get cold. Especially in England. We've spent the winter with only two working radiators. You'll sense a theme, but it's been f******g freezing.

  6. Sleep masks: I know, I know, but along with our lack of radiators, we've had a lack of curtains and blinds. Those 80s curtains with decades of built up dust and God know's what else, they HAD to go.

  7. Silicone phone case: we've got concrete and hard floors everywhere. My silicone case means the chances of me having to spend money on replacing a broken phone due to my sheer clumsiness is avoided - now you can spend it on that USB plug socket you wanted...

  8. Electric blanket: did I already mention that renovations get cold, because they do, get really cold, and at 5ft 3, curling up in a ball just to retain body heat, well you can imagine. There's not a lot of heat there...

  9. Wine: does this really need an explanation? Probably not, but either way, wine helps.

  10. Faux flowers: flowers just really cheer me up, but you're renovating. Buying fresh flowers every week is a hard one to justify when every penny you have get's put into the house. And the ground - anyone else watched thousands and thousands of ££ just get poured in to the ground? *cries*. You lose the enjoyment of styling in a renovation, because it's just not the same, but there's nothing a bunch of beautiful styled flowers can't fix.

  11. Hand cream: because you're hands will end up looking like shrivelled up shrews. Hello winter dermatitis.

  12. Long hot water bottle: notice this isn't your standard hot water bottle. I've kind of become kind of co-dependent on mine. It's perfect for warming up your bed and then wrapping yourself up around it like a koala hugs a tree. Yeah, the cold nights don't bite as much with this gem.

  13. Diffuser: our house currently smells like wet plaster, dust, and building site. The diffuser does just want it says it will. Diffuses those smells and replaces it with something more, palatable.

  14. Diffuser scents: if you read number 13, this one's pretty self explanatory..

  15. Noise reducing ear pods: I've been working from home throughout a lot of our drilling etc. Having noise reducing ear pods helps you to stay focussed and drown out the noise. Let's hope your neighbours have got some too..

  16. (17 + 18) Hard/soft slipper shoes: unless you want me to add heel balm to the list, get yourself a pair of comfy shoes to wear around the house. George bought me a pair of crocs because he was sick of watching me walk around on a renovation floor. The sentiment was sweet, but I cannot stand crocs. However, my GOD have they come in useful. I'm more grateful than I am ashamed, so the Crocs get the win. Get in there first and add a nice pair of Birkinstocks or Uggs to your birthday list before you literally join the Croc club..

If you're in the renovation club, drop a comment below with what you'd add to the list for our fellow renovation friends. Or as always, drop into my DMs on Instagram and let's get the conversation going!



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